Smadux - Online School Portal & ERP
School Setting Management
School Setting Management
In this tutorial, you will learn how to setup and restricct the application from doing what your do not allowed. The application is built by default to handle a lot of functions but you might not have interest in some area which you can switch off and on at anytime.
How to manage general settings
Smadux is 100% dynamic, meaning you can change anything you like e.g name of the school, logo, address, images, language, currency, timezone, country, etc. To do this changes you can follow the below steps
1. Login to System Admin Panel. 2. On the main menu bar, click on the Settings 3. On the settings menu, click on school settings4. Enter the required information and scroll down to click save button
How to Restricted Teachers Accessing Other Student Record
You can restrict students' records to the assign class teacher and admin only by following the below steps
1. Follow step 1 to 3 of "How to manage general settings" above 2. Scroll down to Teacher Restricted and mark it to enable it 3. Scroll down and click save button
How to Restricted Students from Access important Area of The Student Portal
You can restrict students from access result, homework, student materials etc if the student is owing the school. Once the feature is enable, only student with full payment can access the important part of the student portal
1. Follow step 1 to 3 of "How to manage general settings" above 2. Scroll down to Student Fees Restricted and mark it to enable it 3. Scroll down and click save button
How to manage school currency
You can chnage your default currency that you use in billing your students to your country currency or any currency of your choice. To do this, follow the below steps and all your smadux application (web, mobile and deskstop) will change immediately
1. Follow step 1 to 3 of "How to manage general settings" above 2. Scroll down to Currency section and enter your currency details3. Scroll down and click save button
How to enable Auto. student registration profix Number
You can set smadux to automatically generate student registration number and to get it set follow the below steps:
1. Follow step 1 to 3 of "How to manage general settings" above 2. Scroll down to Register No Prefix section and enter your parameters details 3. Mark "Enable Student Admission Registration No Prefix Auto" to enable the enter the information 4. Scroll down and click save buttonNB: what you input on the institution code(profix) will be static e.g if you set profix as "dem-", register No start from as "1" and register no. digit as "4" then when you register the first student, the student will get "dem-0001" as registration number and second student will get "dem-0002" so on.
How to manage Student Report Sheet
You can set a lot of things about student result sheet before allowing or approving the result for student and parent to download and to get it set follow the below steps:
1. Follow step 1 to 3 of "How to manage general settings" above 2. Scroll down to Result Settings section and enter your settings details 3. Enter what show as the heading of your result card 4. Select result template and ensure your test the print out before publishing your result. Note you can apply for custom result template by contacting your account officer or we_care@hi2soft.com5. Select head of school whose signature will show up on the student report card 6. You can enable class section ranking if template support it 7. You can enable batch attendance to enable your teachers enter student attendance at once at the end of the term 8. You can also enable or disable zoro score help remove subject with zero score from student report card 9. Scroll down and click save button
How to Automatically Generate Login Details
Smadux can help you automalically generate login for student and parents and the details will be send to their registered email. Therefore before enabling this feature you must ensure you collect accurate student and parent email. If you are not sure about their email then ensure your set up static password for all register student & parent.
1. Follow step 1 to 3 of "How to manage general settings" above 2. Scroll down to Automatically Generate Login Details section and enter your settings details3. Any thing you enter on the usename profix is going to static and any student you register 1 will will be added e.g if the username profix is "dszp/23/" then the first student will be "dszp/23/0001" and second student "dszp/23/0002" so on using the register no. digit setup above in "How to enable Auto. student registration profix Number" 4. Scroll down and click save button
How to change smadux logos
You can change all the logo showing in your student, parent and management portal with your school logo, kindly do the following to change the logo to your currect school logo
1. Follow step 1 to 3 of "How to manage general settings" above 2. Scroll down to Logo Setting section and enter your settings details 3. Change them and save to save your changesNB: Once you have save, you will still be seeing old logo till you clear your browser cookies