Smadux - Online School Portal & ERP
How to setup and manage Exam schedule
How to setup and manage Exam schedule
If you have not schedule your exam, you will notice that your teachers will not be able to view or enter scores, enter students behavoural rating. Therefore for you to see or record student ratings or exam mark, you must first of all schedule your exam timetable. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create or manage existing exam schedule.
How to create exam schedule
To create exam schedule follow the below steps:
1. Login to System Admin Panel. 2. On the main menu bar, click on the Exam Schedule 3. On the exam Schedule menu, click on add schedule 4. Select exam name, class and section and click on filter5. Set parameter to quickly create schedule by setting the starting date, starting time, duration, mark distribution (full mark and pass mark) 6. Click on apply to auto fill all the subjects' parameters as shown on the below image
7. Scroll down to the save button and click save 8. Do this for all the class/section you want your teacher to records score or rate student behavoural rating. Note that any class/section that do not have exam schedule, no student will be available on mark entering and student rating page.
How to delete exam schedule
If you notice that subjects showing on result sheet is more that the active class/section subjects then you need to delete the schedule and re-create new schedule
1. Login to System Admin Panel. 2. On the main menu bar, click on the Exam Schedule 3. On the exam Schedule menu, click on schedule 4. Select class and section and click on filter5. Click on the delete icon on the action column of the schedule list to delete the schedule. 6. Once you delete the schedule successfully, go back and create it again to be with current class/section subjects