Smadux - Online School Portal & ERP

Exam Setup Management

Exam Setup Management

In this tutorial, you will learn how to setup exam, mark distribution and how to publish exam result for student and parent to see the result online


How to setup academic term

Here you can setup all the term you run through the year e.g 1st Term, 2nd Term, 3rd Term etc

1. Login to System Admin Panel.
2. On the main menu bar, click on the Exam Master
3. On the exam menu, click on exam term

4. Enter the name of the term 
5. Mark enable session result accumulation for the term if you want smadux to take percentage from other exam that below to the current academic year e.g for basic and secondary, use can enable this feature for 3rd term to help compute your school result using 1st, 2nd and 3rd exam scores
5. You can edit existing term by clicking on the write icon on the action column of the exam term list
6. Save


How to setup Exam Hall

Take note of this feature as it is very important and you will be able to schedule exam without selecting a class hall for the exam even if you are using your normal classroom for the exam. So you can simple create just one exam hall for all your class schedules.

1. Login to System Admin Panel.
2. On the main menu bar, click on the Exam Master
3. On the exam menu, click on exam hall

4. Enter the name of the hall and number of seats allow.. you can specify any number about your normal class/section student count 
5. You can edit existing exam hall by clicking on the write icon on the action column of the exam hall list
6. Save


How to setup Mark Distribution

Take note of this feature as it is very important and you will not be able to schedule exam without available mark holding parameter. e.g 1st test, 2nd test, exam etc. You must set up mark distribution in order of how it be arrange in your paper result card (report card)

1. Login to System Admin Panel.
2. On the main menu bar, click on the Exam Master
3. On the exam menu, click on Distribution

4. Enter the name of the mark e.g 1st test, 1st Project, Exam etc
5. Save
6. To edit the name of the mark, kindly click on the write icon on the action column of the mark distribtion list
7. Repeat it for the mark you collect from student that make up of 100%


How to setup Exam

Now that you have learn how to setup mark distribution and term, it is time know to setup exam for your teachers to start recording mark of test and exam records.

1. Login to System Admin Panel.
2. On the main menu bar, click on the Exam Master
3. On the exam menu, click on Exam setup
4. click on create exam

5. Enter the name of the exam 
6. Select term and exam type
7. Click on the mark distribution and the create mark distribution will show as dropdown list, simple click on any one you wish to add to the exam
8. Click on the star icon beside the mark distribution name to remove from list
9. Mark pubish to start entering scores by your teachers
10. Enter other required field and save


How to update Exam or publish Result

You can update your school exam at anytime or publish result once the result is ready for parent or student to check their result.

1. Login to System Admin Panel.
2. On the main menu bar, click on the Exam Master
3. On the exam menu, click on Exam setup
4. click on Exam list 

5. To publish result and make the result available on student or parent portal, kindly switch on the publish result on the exam you want to make visible to student and parent 
6. You can also edit the exam by clicking on the write icon of the action column of the exam list