Smadux - Online School Portal & ERP

How to manage online CBT

How to manage online CBT

In this tutorial, you will learn how to setup and manage online CBT. With smadux CBT exam your school will be able run Computer-Based Test easy. 

Smadux cbt technology help to administered using computer, mobile phone or any internet enable devices, rather than using traditional paper and pencil methods. CBT exams are becoming increasingly popular in various fields due to their efficiency, flexibility, and ability to provide immediate feedback.


  • Delivered on a computer: Questions are presented on a screen, and answers are typically selected using a mouse or keyboard.
  • Interactive: Some CBT exams may include simulations, videos, or other interactive elements.
  • Adaptive: Some CBT exams can adapt the difficulty of questions based on the test-taker's performance.
  • Immediate feedback: Some CBT exams provide immediate feedback on answers, allowing test-takers to gauge their progress.
  • Secure: CBT exams can be designed to prevent cheating and ensure the integrity of test scores



How to setup Online Exam

To setup online exam you need to follow the below steps

1. Login to System Admin Panel.
2. On the main menu bar, click on the Online Exam
3. On the online exam menu, click on online exam
4. Click on add online exam tab

5. fill in all required fields and click save button


How to setup exam question group

To setup online exam questions group you need to follow the below steps

1. Login to System Admin Panel.
2. On the main menu bar, click on the Online Exam
3. On the online exam menu, click on question group

4. Enter group name and click save 
5. Click on the write icon on the action column of the group list 
6. Edit the name and click update


How to add question to exam questions bank

To setup online exam questions group you need to follow the below steps

1. Login to System Admin Panel.
2. On the main menu bar, click on the Online Exam
3. On the online exam menu, click on question bank 

4. Click on Add Question button to add new question to questions bank
5. Select class, section, subject and click on the filter button

6. Click question type (Single Choice, Multiple choice, True/False or Descriptive) and fill the required field to get your question setup
7. Enter the expected answer and click save


How to edit existing question in questions bank

To setup online exam questions group you need to follow the below steps

1. Login to System Admin Panel.
2. On the main menu bar, click on the Online Exam
3. On the online exam menu, click on question bank 

4. Click on write icon on the action column of the question list 
5. Enter all neccessary changes and click on save


How to import multiple questions to questions bank

To setup online exam questions group you need to follow the below steps

1. Login to System Admin Panel.
2. On the main menu bar, click on the Online Exam
3. On the online exam menu, click on question bank 

4. Click on +Question Import button in right side of the question window
5. Follow all the instructions
Instructions :
1. Download the first sample file.
2. Open the downloaded 'csv' file and carefully fill the details of the question.
3. Question Type should be used from within these Example : single_choice, multi_choice, true_false, descriptive
4. Question Level should be used from within these Example : easy, medium, hard
5. The Question Group comes from another table, so for the "Group Name", enter Group ID (can be found on the Question Group page).
6. For Single Choice type questions for answer should be option_1
7. For Multi Choice type questions for answer should be ["option_1","option_2"]
8. Select class, section, subject and upload the csv file 
9. Click on Save button


How to add questions to exam from questions bank

Once you have setup and load up your question bank with questions, you are not ready to start add questions to exam that will be visible to student on the exam schedule date.

1. Login to System Admin Panel.
2. On the main menu bar, click on the Online Exam
3. On the online exam menu, click on online exam 

4. Click on the ? icon with circle on the action column of the online exam list
5. Select the question group, class, section and subject and click on the filter button load related questions from question bank

6. Mark all or limited question you want to add to the exam
7. Enter the mark the student will earn for get it right and you can negative mark that the student loss if he/she get the answer wrong
8. Click on save 


How to turn on/off student exam

Smadux online CBT is on demand service, the admin can turn it off/on even if the exam is schedule to run on that date/hour

1. Login to System Admin Panel.
2. On the main menu bar, click on the Online Exam
3. On the online exam menu, click on online exam 
4. Switch on the exam status to make the exam visible on student portal or switch it off for the exam to be invisible on the student portal 

Note that the exam will not be visible to student if the current date/time is don't within the starting date/time  and ending date/time. The current time must be in-between exam schedule starting date and closing date