Smadux - Online School Portal & ERP
How to record exam mark
How to record exam mark
In this tutorial, you will learn how to setup automated result grading system and to enter student score.
How to setup Grading System
To setup grade range, follow the below steps:
1. Login to System Admin Panel. 2. On the main menu bar, click on the Exam master 3. On the Marks menu, click on Grades range 4. Click on Create Grade5. fill in all the required fields. Note that if the range is not well structure it will not produce good result as smadux use what you setup to compute your student score grading. 6. Save 7. Repeat step 4,5 and 6 for all the grade range configuration
How to manage Grading System
To update any part of the grade range configuration, follow the below steps:
1. Login to System Admin Panel. 2. On the main menu bar, click on the Exam master 3. On the Marks menu, click on Grades range 4. Click on Grade List5. To edit any of the grading range, click on the write icon on the action column of the grade list 6. Enter the changes and click on update 7. To delete any of the grading range, click on the delete icon on the action column of the grade list
How to Enter student score
To start recording student scores either test or exam, you must schedule your exam for the related period/term. Without exam schedule your teacher will not see the students of the class. To avoid students not visible you must create exam schedule for the class
1. Login to System Admin Panel. 2. On the main menu bar, click on the Exam master 3. On the Marks menu, click on Mark Entries 4. Select the exam, class, section(Arm), and the subject you want to mark and click filter to load all the students in the class5. Enter the score the students earn in the test or exam one by one 6. If the student is absent during the period of the exam, kindly mark IsAbsent. note any student you mark IsAbsent, the system will automatically omit the score and set it to zoro 7. Save 8. Repeat step 4,5, and 6 for all the subjects
How to Generate Class Position
This is last thing to do before releasing the result and the class teacher must ensure student scores are accurately entered. And any you update student result you must re-generate class position to show class true position
1. Login to System Admin Panel. 2. On the main menu bar, click on the Exam master 3. On the Marks menu, click on Generate Position 4. Select the Academic year, exam, class, section(Arm), and click filter to load all the students in the class6. The system will generate the position base on total mark 7. Enter students comments(principal & teacher) that will show on the result sheet 8. Save 9. Do this for the class/section you want to add class position to report card 10. You can replace the student position with 44444 to ignore class position and show only comments on student result sheet